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Software system in a sentence

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Sentence count:183Posted:2018-10-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: system softwaresoftwaresoftware househealth care systembudget softwaresoftware piracysoftware licensecomputer softwareMeaning: n. (computer science) written programs or procedures or rules and associated documentation pertaining to the operation of a computer system and that are stored in read/write memory. 
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91. Uses the MSP430 assembly language in the software design, implemented the modular design, the paper gives the software system design flow chart and part of the subroutine flow chart.
92. A modular structure was applied to design the software system whose model was proposed.
93. Finally, the main content of developed prototype software system is discussed in detail, as well as the knowledge ...
94. The automatic encasement software system based on SQL technology and density greedy algorithm is designed with three modules by VB6.0 and SQL.
95. A scheme of temporal specification using function construct of classical B AMN is proposed to support specification and verification of real-time software system.
96. In this paper, first the software system design for such integration is outlined and it gives a definition of the data structure and programming frame.
97. The programmed multifunction electrophysiological heart stimulator is designed on the basis of 89C55, and its hardware design circuit and software system structure is presented.
98. Repeated errors may sometimes occur during data editing, database building and result output when using MAPGIS software system.
99. The EIM system, including network and application software system(, is a common platform for enterprise information system of Sichuan Unicom.
100. It is a well-log interpretation software system that is provided with functions such as database, graphical user interface and man-machine conversation.
101. Modern calculating machine and developing of software system make the big computation possible.
102. The invention adds the judgment of the length of software system management interrupt command in the software system management interrupt processing program.
103. In the end, the method of resolving each individual error by the star data information is discussed, and the engineering application software system based on windows is given.
104. Software system comprises some main subsystems such as the TSS embedded OS, host interface specification, file access control module, explicit authorization table management and audit system.
105. Design process of data platform from BRM, IRM to the DRM is a forestry e-Gov information resource planning process. The process is independent from the application software system design.
106. The subsystems, enviroment, performance and development of the system are explained, and the common problems about real-time software system arc also ...
107. This paper introduced the ontology for knowledge representation of power domain. Constructed power grid operation repository to be shared by each application software system.
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108. Upon completion of the hardware and software system design, this paper conducted a preliminary debugging.
109. The visual software system for IP Groundwater Prospecting is a vital tool in the processing and explanation of IP Groundwater Prospecting data.
110. The software system structure of digital flight strip has been designed clearly.
111. A basic application software system in VB6.0 is developed to realize on-line process monitoring towards the penicillin fermentation process.
112. Specifically has discussed the hardware system structure and software system structure of hydropower plant subsystem. And the problems concerned. During the implementation.
113. The software system of popularized education evaluation developed on the microcomputer IBM PC/XT and its compatible machines, is the computer application software of education evaluation.
114. Moreover, a hybrid programming of FORTRAN and assembly language is used for the software system. In this way a fast run speed as well as the various powerful graphics functions have been achieved.
115. Aiming at the problem of software system reliability and cost distribution, an optimal model for software component cost distribution based on reliability is proposed.
116. Finally, a product family shape design system integration program was proposed and its software system was constructed.
117. Finally, this paper discussed the software system design based on above hardware platform, including the DSP initialization program, the interrupt request service and speech coding.
118. The system implement technology based on the UML was researched and the prototype software system was established on J2EE platform.
119. On the basis of the knowledge, the paper applies XP method to the optimized planning software of BaoSteel cold-rolling mill and gives the design scheme of software system.
120. Customer support system is a kind of application software system that is used to deal with information of after service by enterprise.
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